A.I.S is governed by Sunrise Bal Shiksha Samitti, Jaipur(raj.),registered under Societies Act 1956, in 1993-94. AIS is an English Medium, Co-educational and Senior Secondary School situated in Krishna Nagar, Mansarovar, Jaipur .The school is recognized by the Dept. of Education, Govt. of Rajasthan and it is affiliated to the CBSE , New Delhi (CBSE Affiliation No. 1730257)
AIS cover over 2.5acres of land, with latest technology education aids & pleasant view. We are committed to provide high quality education. Which in turn enables out alumni to stand one step ahead in this changing & competitive environment. AIS grows up in the environment of Indian values, culture & Hi-tech Education system. It emphasizes the need for developing various facets of a child’s personality. AIS, Started in 17th March 2002 with only 22 children, and growing day by day and setting new principles in education ERA. It has grown in stature to become one of the finest educational institutes in the state.
A Bright Future Begins Today…
The school aims at imparting education and helps students in developing scientific temper, modern outlook and love for the motherland.
The school follows the under mentioned guidelines:-
To discover, define and refine the hidden talents of a child and help him/her to build up a bright career.
To provide education to the children in the Indian environment bases on the academic, literary and cultural heritage of the country.
To pursue excellence and set pace in the field of school education.
To promote among student adaptability, attitude and action to cope up with different situations in the life.
Managing Director's Message

Dear parents,
‘AIS’, a place where children find suitable environment to groom themselves. We put our efforts in the direction of inculcating values and to explore hidden talents of students.
We believe in the education by which character is formed, strength of mind is increased, the intellect is expanded and by which one can stand on his / her own feet. We focus on the education system to be based on capacity building comprising five components research and enquiry, creativity and innovation capacity to use high end technology entrepreneurship and moral leadership.
Every child is very special as he or she has potential which is to be identified by mentors to make them progressive part of the nation.
‘Edifying Sacred & Pure.’
– Anil Sharma
Principal cum Director's Message
Dear parents,
‘AIS’, a perfect place for your ward with full of innovation, creativity and knowledge. When one sends his / her kids for learning, they seek a place where they can find quality education with all value system.
Our objective is not to fill them with so much information that they sink like lead but to arouse in them the desire to learn, to touch their mind so that they soar. Our curriculum provides a blend of challenge, and creativity with ample scope for individuality and imagination. A strong value system is woven into the fabric of daily life.
We believe the words of Dr. Kalam that “The Mission of Education is the foundation to ensure the creation of enlightened citizens who will make a prosperous happy and strong nation.”